Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 1

Even before I opened I got asked a lot of questions about clothing, like: Does this look ok? Should I tuck this in or leave it out? Is this still in style? Although clothing, fashion and style interest me I don’t think that qualifies me to answer those questions…however, I do think it will be fun to write about.

Today is the kick off of my very first blog. The idea just came to me while getting up to get a glass of juice, now either that was inspiration or just plain dehydration. Either way this is the result.

For the record, I definitely don’t consider myself an expert, nor do I think that my opinion works for everyone. I just hope to throw some ideas out there, because there have been a few guys (and girls) that have come to me for advice and that leads me to believe there may be a few more out there with the same questions.

So let’s do this

First and foremost, fashion has no rules. If someone tries to tell you otherwise, they are either close minded (not clothes minded…dang, that would have made a good name for this blog) or just plain boring. Granted, there are several guidelines that are safe for most people and are appropriate for business settings, there definitely are no rules.

Second and middlemost, well I probably should have thought of something to write here. I did that whole “first and foremost” and that sounded pretty good, I didn’t want to take it out. I don’t think I have a middlemost.

Last of all, I hope you enjoy what you read, see and watch here on my blog. I hope to add lots of pictures and video to add substance and credibility to my ramblings.

A presto

Bradford Lee